
File Under: Odd Experiances
Want to know what's weird? When you see a really bad picture of Jennifer Garner, it's kinda smooshed and make's her face look more square-shaped than it is, then you think "Hey! She kinda looks like Geena Davis!". So you get ready a blog spot about how funny this is and... yeah, they're not really all that similar. Perioid. Stupid mind tricks.
UPDATE: Looking at more pics of Geena David on IMDB, I decided they could be cousins.

Next... Want to hear something gross? Like, really gross? No? OK.

And for those of you who are curious about how school's going for your truely, it's going pretty well. Photoshop is easy. My first math test could have been better, but as long as I pass, I'll be OK with it. My first test in American Government was tough, and wasn't quite prepared for it as well as I should have been. I still managed a B. (W00t!)

And in my most demanding class, English, it looks like if I keep up, I'll get an A. My first essay got a 9.6 out of a 10! He was warning that a few might get slips on their paper, recommending they see a tutor (it happens in every class), but I would up with a 9.6, with only 2 errors. SWEET!

Seeing that score was as comforting as Yom Kippur toe socks are weird. I know, those are pretty weird.

And no, this is not a stream-of-conciousness post. It'd be alot weirder if it was. Like, I'm typing, I kinda like this song, but why did I buy it off of iTunes? I should order more stuff on there. I think I have some stuff in my shopping cart. Did I leave my coat at work? I think I did. It's suddenly so blasted cold outside again, it stinks. Before long, we'll be raking leaves, and then shoveling. Eeeck! Driving in winter won't be fun. Holiday shopping will be, though. I love walking amongst the crowds. It's so fun!

Stay tuned for more oddness here at TDI. And check back late this weekend for more photographs, and a new Fifteen Minutes column!


Janna said...

Are you well, dear brother?

Erika said...

Poor Janna...what did you ever do to deserve him??