TDI Mailbag

File Under: Special Features
The Delta Institute is thankful for the letters and comments it has recieved so far for the next installment of Ask the Director. However, there are currently not enough letters to meet the quota for publication. So, if YOU just sent me one letter, comment, saying, or anything through the anonymous drop box, and if everybody else did that, then we'll have a mailbag up in no time.

Remember, I'm going to try to do it a little differently this time. I'm going to add a fresh spin on things. HOW am I going to do that? Can you even "spin" a mailbag? Well, sure you can!

And personally, I cannot wait till I'm able to do another mailbag. I love responding to some of the weird, zany questions and comments you guys give me. It's a real challenge, and I look foward to doing another mailbag real soon, but only with YOUR help. So please, send in those comments or questions now!

1 comment:

Erika said...

Chuck, my dear, it believe this is the 10th time this week u've reminded us of this...just so ur aware:-)