Fifteen Minutes for the Weekend

File Under: Entertainment NewsWire
For your weekend reading pleasure, The Delta Institute is pleased to present another edition of Fifteen Minutes (in Delta-Vision). In each installment of this column, we scour the web, looking for interesting entertainment tidbits to bring to YOU, the reader at home. And since it's the entertainment industry, we therefore have permission to make snide remarks and commentary whenever we want to. In this weekend's column, we have Oprah, we have spoilers for The OC, we have Ted Koppel, we have it all. So sit back, relax, and enjoy reading about these people's Fifteen Minutes!

The tenth episode of The OC's third season will be called "The Christmukkah". And oddly enough, Hanukkah and Christmas are on the same day this year, so everyone can celebrate Christmukkah! But this year's festivities will be special for Ryan: Seth will be giving Ryan a Bar Mitzvah. Oh, those crazy gentiles! Somepoint in this season, since Marissa will be attached to a new boyfriend, Ryan will get a new love interest.

Lil' Kim has a thing against 50 Cent. Crud, that means I'm one the side of Lil' Kim. I hate it when that happens. The jailbird singer told the Associated Press that she made it clear to the rapper that there would be no more duets between the two in the future. (they paired up for 2003's "Magic Stick") Lil' Kim says that she doesn't like 50 Cent because his music is "hardcore... violent.... and that's not a great message, you know what I mean? I think he promotes it." 50 Cent has dissed Lil' Kim in performances.

She attracts millions of viewers to the television every day. She sells books by the truckload. She hands away free car's. And now Oprah Winfrey has helped catch a child molester. After profiling several fugitive child molester's on her talk show, FBI agents recieved a tip from an Oprah viewer, which led them to the arrest of a man wanted on charges of child moelestation. Imagine if Oprah and Bono teamed up. Together, they could save the world.

The next person who wants to get as much power as Oprah is Rachael Ray, who has inked a deal to launched a talker in Fall 2006. "People know me for my love of food," Rachael said in a press release. "But I have so much more I want to share." But don't worry, Oprah's helping to produce the program. So, like Dr. Phil found out, you may be popular, but don't expect to be anywhere near has popular as Oprah herself.

On November 22, Ted Koppel will be leaving ABC's Nightline. His contract was up on December 4, and he announced that he was leaving then. But now, he'll be off in time for Thanksgiving. The NEW Nightline will begin on November 28, with two anchors in NY, and one in DC. They won't be "chatty" co-anchors, and the NY dup may not be on air at the same time. The new show will only begin with a topical news story if it were big and dynamic. If it IS big enough, then it will probably take up most of the show. The names of the new anchors have not been revealed yet.

Finally, by now, I'm assuming most of you have seen the third episode of Lost, which aired this past Wednesday. If you have, please highlight the following text. For those who haven't, I forbid you to continue reading. Please move on to the next paragraph. If you go to this site, move your mouse UNDER the last link. A new link will appear. Click that, and you can watch the orentation video again. Spiffy, no? I wonder if the French Chick is part of Hanso...

Finally, if you click here, you can read a column which names the best and worst names on TV right now. Among the worst names (according to the author): Dr. Temperance Brennan, Renée Rienne, & Horatio Caine. What are some of the author's best names for this TV season? Veronica Mars, Sawyer, and Bob Loblaw.

That does it for this weekend's Fifteen Minutes, complete with a shiny new logo, and more pictures! Oh, will the fun never end? Will I stop giving myself extra work to do for my blog? Probably not. I hope you enjoyed reading this column as much as I enjoyed putting it together. Until the next post, have a wonderful day.


Erika said...

I feel so much more informed now!!

Mark said...

Dude... why are you posing O.C. stories?

Charles Jurries said...

Why am I posting Lil' Kim stories?

Mainly, for variety. I need to keep the subject matter fresh, and do something a little different. Plus, the idea of a gentile giving another gentile a Bar Mitzvah is just plain funny. :)