Window's on the World vet's keep moving forward

USA Today's Jerry Shriver recently caught up with a few of the cooks who lost their jobs at the iconic Windows on the World dining complex of the former Twin Towers in New York City. The iconic restaurant - known for it's views and cuisine - employed 450 people. 72 people died in the attack. The attacks changed us all, and these people are no exception to the rule.

One person went into a deep depression and now after seeking therapy has published a book and oversees a wine group. Another is opening a high-profile steakhouse in downtown NYC. The other person profiled not only opened a restaurant with former Windows employees, but has made it into a huge co-op. These three people who are profiled in the web piece are only a few of the tens of thousands who have stories to tell from that day onward. But we bring this to your attention not only because it's an inspiring read, but because it's helpful to see healing. As New Yorkers, there is healing starting to take place. And as a nation, we are moving onwards. We may have our pauses and our setbacks, but there is no doubt that as a nation we are moving forward.

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