Homeless World Cup begins in Cape Town

Nearly 500 alcoholics, drug addicts, orphans and vagrants get to show off a side of them that most people wouldn't necessarily expect from them this week in South Africa. And that's all thanks to the Homeless World Cup which is kicking off it's week long festivities this week in Cape Town. Thousands are expected to gather to salute a flag parade with teams from 48 nations. The United States, Liberia, Australia, Britain, and Afghanistan are among the participants.

The event was started when someone had the idea to start soccer teams among the social outcasts to help instill a sense of pride and discipline, which in turn helps them overcome problems in their regular lives. According to surveys, 94% of the athletes in last year's tournament reported a new motivation in life. 62% were coping better with alcohol and drug dependency, 40% had better housing, 38% held regular jobs and 28% resumed their education.

Read the story - HomlessWorldCup.org - News Wire

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