A Super 5-Day Holiday
Welcome back to the Weekend Preview, where we take a look at what's coming out at the movie theaters this upcoming weekend. We also give you a brief look at the stock market, to prep you for an even briefer look at the markets this weekend.
I'll be brief: Stocks are uneasy because of recent fed maneuvers, and the recent saber rattling made by North Korea. Job numbers for June are slated to come out on Friday, and I have no clue what to expect in the report, because, I am not psychic. (It's disappointing, I know.) Here's how the stock markets looked at the end of trading on Wednesday:
Dow Jones: 11151.82
Nasdaq: 2153.34
S&P 500: 1290.91
Sure, he's no Spider-Man. But the Man of Steel can still bring in a audience. Over the 5-day holiday, Superman brought in an astonishing $76 million. For his actual 7-day opening weekend, Superman grossed an estimated $108 million in ticket sales. Not too shabby for a alien from outer-space! But still, considering an estimated $600 million was spent on making and marketing the movie, it's still a bit of a disappointment for the studio. And really, for Superman, people were expecting it to take in a lot more dough at the box office. The real surprise this weekend is how well the "alternative to Superman," The Devil Wears Prada, performed at the box office. Over the 5-day weekend, it pulled in $40 million.
So, was there much of a difference between the 5-day box office and the 3-day weekend? Astonishingly enough, we're going to say "no." (We're liars, BTW.) Monday and Tuesday combined brought in an additional $68 million. Which just about matches how much Nacho Libre has made since it came out a few weeks ago. (We wouldn't lie about something like that. Or would we?) Here's your special mid-week "At the Box Office" report:

And that's the Weekend Preview for this week. Stay tuned this weekend to find out how the epic battle of Jack Sparrow vs. Kal-El ends!
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