The Mailbag

File Under: New Mailbag
The Delta Institute is now collecting letters for a open mailbag. And we need YOU to send in your letters! You can use the handy TDI drop box, or e-mail me. You can ask serious questions, questions waaaay out of left field, ANYTHING. And I've had many people tell me that they enjoy the mailbag segment. I enjoy it too! So please, send in ANY thoughts or musings that you have. There's no current deadline, but I *hope* to compile a mailbag Q&A within a week or two, depending on response.

And if you guys send in enough for a mailbag, I promise to "spice it up" a bit, by doing something different.... That's all I'll say on that. :)

1 comment:

Erika said...

the SUSPENSE!! I don't know if I can HANDLE it!!