Hold on...

File Under: Predictions
Here are some predictions for the news of Tuesday:

- There will be some violence over in the Middle-East. In Iraq, there will be renewed optimism, but there will be much cause for concern.
- Everyone will still be mad because of Harriet Miers, including senators who can VOTE NO, but you'd think they'd forgotten that in their political speeches.
- In the investigation into the leak of a inactive spy's name, Robert Novak will continue to go unnamed, while Karl Rove is dragged through the mud, again. Reporters hope for a Watergate-style resignation of the President, 'cause it'll be sensational.
- A celebrity couple will split up.
- There will be both good economic news, and bad economic news. (I'm going out on a limb for THAT prediction!)
- North Korea and/or Iran will stonewall in the nuclear disarmament talks.

You can actually use that as a Instant NewsWire for the next couple of weeks, actually.

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