TIME Magazine's 2006 Person of the Year is... You!

TIME Magazine has unveiled their person of the year for 2006. And who gets this well-known culture award? Everyone. According to the magazine, everyone is coming together as a community and collaborating "on a scale never seen before," in between social sites like Wikipedia, YouTube and MySpace. The current use for the Internet is a tool to bring millions of people together to make small contributions back to everyone else. It's not just "Web 2.0," they say. "It's really a revolution." A mini-revolution that could perhaps include the Twin Institutes, Delta and Epsilon? (Editor: Only if you updated more than once a week!)

Because we're all spending this time networking with the rest of the world on the Internet, TIME magazine has named "You" as the Person of the Year for 2006.
(Click here to read TIME.com's profile of the 2006 Person of the Year.)

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