Big Story: The Dow Jones gains points for the week

It's another week, another time to look back on the weekend that was, courtesy of your friendly weekend recap team, The Weekend Recap! (If only there were some way to make our name more memorable...) We are among the most self-absorbed entertainment newsletters you will ever come across, and that's why we love ourselves so much. We pretend to actually care about what actually matters - stocks - while we give you what YOU actually care about - box office receipts. And we mock you and ourselves equally in the process. And yet, no one's called for cancellation, yet! So until then, we'll continue our venom, our poison, our torture, our Richard Simmons workout video, whatever you want to call us.

Stocks! In a bit of remarkable news, the Dow Jones closed up for the week. Same with the S&P 500! It's been about a month since I've had to change a red banner, which indicates a loss in stock, with an attractive blue banner, which indicates gains. By this point, though, you and you alone are the only one reading this. Recent market studies show that more people glance over the stock report more than anything else on TDIN. And if I close the paragraph off by talking about stocks again, no one will ever know that I just wasted a whole paragraph saying nothing. I love this job. The NASDAQ saw marginal losses for the week, while the S&P 500 gained 40 points for the week.

(Source: Yahoo! Finance)

Johnny Depp is still the most attractive actor at the box office right now. That's the big headline from the box office receipts this weekend, with Pirates of the Caribbean pulling in a respectable $35 million from movie-goers pockets. But that's not important. Nor is the fact that Clerks II, though it by all accounts bombed, actually turned a profit for the studio because of it's $5 million budget. No, the biggest revelation is that the At The Box Office scoreboard looked like a trading card. Seriously! Just step away and imagine that you are holding it in your hand. Suddenly, the heartaches and egos of Hollywood finances surge through your arm as you feel the pain from Little Man still attracting new viewers this weekend.

(Source: BoxOfficeMojo)

That's it! Seriously, that's it. Thank goodness this online newsletter is free, eh? Otherwise, I'd be getting a LOT of returns. Not that I blame them. Especially seeing how wrong I was on my predictions for this weekend. Clerks II didn't open at no. 1, it opened in sixth place. And it made under $10 million, not $40 million. Pirates and Monster House DID, however, pull in what I estimated they would.

So what will I estimate for next week? And on that note, just what does open next weekend? Stay tuned to TDIN later on this week for the Weekend Preview, with an all-snark-included look at movies opening this weekend! Until then, this is the Weekends staff, hoping you'll have a safe and happy weekend. And remember, friends don't let friends overuse caps lock!

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