A Weekend Preview

I just got a e-mail from BoxOfficeMojo, and they told me to stop stealing their numbers for Weekends at TDI. Not actually. But they did send over a list of how many theaters each new movie release is getting. While the controversial "United 93" may be getting the most press of any release this weekend, it's by no means getting the most theaters. The breakdown is as follows:
- RV (3,639)
- Akeelah and the Bee (2,195)
- Stick It (2,038)
- United 93 (1,795)

Now, when you have the option of seeing a light-hearted family vacation film (even though it has Robin Williams), versus a gut-wrenching tribute to victims of 9/11, most people will choose Robin Williams. But that's just my opinion.

On a "United 93"-related note, you may have noticed that a post pertaining to one of it's cast members was taken down. It seemed that something in the post was making our RSS feed all screwy, and instead of spending a half-hour to fix it, we figured we'd just give you the source article instead.

This Sunday night (not afternoon!), check back for Weekends at TDI, our weekly recap of the stock market and the box office. (And odd pairing, yes, but we try to give you enough data to make you sound smart around the office.) And check back throughout the weekend for continuous updates here, and at sister blog Epsilon!

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