On a Personal Note

Well, this just wouldn't be a blog without writing about something in my life, right? Well, there's not much to tell over the blog, to be honest. School's going pretty good; I even finished one class early! I hope to go on a photo shoot soon, and if it turns out well, I'll post some of the photo's up on the web. And about all these new features popping up... Some are experimenal, some aren't. I'm trying to do things that I know I could do easily, and that people would be interested in. And I try to give people what they want... Anywho, stay tuned for the Box Office Results on Sunday. And all I'll say is that this weekend doesn't look good for the studio's. Until then, have a sunny day!

UPDATE: Yes, the symbols in the graphic DO represent something. But if you're thinking "ok, what does train, gift, and information mean?", then you're going about dechipering the graphic totally the wrong way. Think about how I would get such symbols, and what they represent, not what they mean. It's deep, it's cryptic, and I don't expect really anybody to catch on. But for those who do, that's no typo in the middle...

1 comment:

Grace said...

What in the world is that graphic supposed to mean?