Quick Blurb...
File Under: Site Notice
Expect another master Katrina update, probably around midnight... al-Qaeda has claimed responsibility for the 7/7 terror attacks in London. TDI will also have the latest on that as well.
Where "below the fold" calls itself home.
Posted by
Charles Jurries
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Hey Chuckles, you Fox News guru you - question for you. Why is Bill Hemmer on everytime I turn on Fox, no matter what time of the day or night? he's good and all, but where have all the other anchors gone?
It's called vacation season. They're a little streached for having the "big guns" on air all the time. (plus, having someone like Shep out in the field, and not in the studio, doesn't "help" in THAT regard.)
But Katrina has been brining people back in from vacation, to help out. I know O'Reilly cut his vacation short. I know Brit Hume was on vacation, but is now back.
And now that FOX News Radio is a full-fledged operation, lots of the on-air talent are busy recording reports for that.
But the chief reason? Hemmer's new, and it's a prime time to expose him to a new audience.
His regularly scheduled hours are 11:30 am 'till 1 pm. (He replaced David Asman, who was promoted to the documentary unit)
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