Public Service Announcement

File Under: Press Release
Guy, I post so many press releases, I should have a blog just for my PR department!

The Delta Institute is now on Threat Level Deep Orange. Due to the recent rise of Web Service Daemons affecting various blogs - including mine - we at the institute would like to ask everybody to stay vigiliant, stay alert, and stay focused. The WBD want to take away our ability to keep opinions on the web. They want them to dissapear after a short while.

The Delta Institute remains committed to the retaining of thoughts, musings, and other forms of writing on the internet.

The Delta Institute was formed in June, 2005, by Charles Jurries. Jurries currently serves as the acting Director of the Delta Institute. TDI covers the latest entertainment happenings, breaking news, and personal announcements from the director. In addition, short stories and photographs are often published, along with long-form investigative articles.


Anonymous said...

I don't know why web brog hooligans would attack you. James I can see but not EChuckler.

Charles Jurries said...

I know, it's odd. I lost 2 entire post yesterday. It's very strange indeed.

But we shall overcome the Web Service Daemons!

Mark said...

It's really very strange - I received the posts via my RSS aggregator (Thunderbird), but they didn't show on your site. I've never seen Blogger do that before. Obviously the Daemons have it in for you.

Erika said...

its a big huge conspiracy I'll bet!!