Mailbag, Installment the 2nd

File Under: Mailbag
Here it is... You let questions accumulate over the course of time, and eventually, you'll get enough to do a mailbag! Yes, everybody loves to read them. But do they easily submit questions or comments? NO. So I post this, fully hoping that people will now use the drop box located on the info bar on the right as an outlet for random thoughts and questions. If I get floods of questions and comments, there will be floods of mailbags. That's the way it works here at TDI.

So, now that I'm done scorning ya'll (it wasn't so bad now, was it?), time for the mailbag!

Agast in Last Gasp Arizona wrote: "Dorkness from the outer limits of space is usually chacterized by a wwjd bracelet"

I am agast at the cheekyness of this person! What should I do?

TDI: Eat cheese. That always helps. Then? Buy seven times seven wwjd bracelets, and string them all over this person's tree. It's not vandalism... Just creative exterior decorating!

Subject line: can't believe it! you killed opra!
What is up with the random posts? I have lost faith in you as a Serious blogger!!!

TDI: I killed an OPRA? Ohio's disabled won't be happy about that. And serious posts? Serious blogging? My dear, have you never read blogs before? (and didn't I answer this question in the last mailbag?)

Subject: creeped out in montana
Do socks and monkey brains have any effect on the future? My crazed grandma says they do, and that all things begining with "The D-" will be effected. Her laughter is always affected, so as to creep you out after she tells you!!!

TDI: Oh, of course they have an effect on the future! Why, try to imagine a future without socks. And with no monkey brains, monkey's wouldn't be so much fun to watch. The entire monkey business would collapse without monkey brains. And those workers need that money to buy socks! And as far as "The D-" goes, well, your grandma isn't that crazed. I'm following up on a story, and I'm trying to get another source, BUT... There's more to this story than meets the eye. (or is there? Hhhmm....)

Subject: ?
Why is the Delta institue suddenly going novel extravaganza on us?

TDI: Because we can. We do short stories. I've only done "novel" once, and that was before I left for a week. Did you all like that story? Let me know if you want more installments in that story.

Subject: Socks
Do you think black socks go better with khakis or jeans? I realy need to know because I have a press conference that I need to go to and my mom is out of town.
Nice site by the way.

TDI: Khaki's. I really can't invision a situation where you'd REALLY need to wear black socks with jeans, assuming they're blue in color. Hope the press conference goes well for 'ya!

Q: What are web demons? Do they strike without warning? I will now go on to tell you about aunt Gert's funeral arr

TDI: NO MORE AUNT GERT! Yes, her funeral arrangment was pretty, and was the most expensive thing at the funeral. Yes, it even cost more than the casket. Shaddup about it already! Oh, yes, the red roses were beautiful. And not even fake! Oh, no, I completely agree. It was beautiful. Leave it alone!

And yes, web daemons (proper term) strike without warning. They're pretty terrifying!

Q: When the poop are you going to do this ding stinking mail thingy any way!!!!!!!!!

TDI: Right now, silly person! You can barely wait for even more mailbag excitement, I can tell! Well, there's one way you can help with that Ev-er-anonymous readers of this blog, and that's by sending in even more questions and comments through the Drop Box! It's at the top of the page, so there's really no excuse for missing it, is there? That's a good reader. Go ahead! Send those questions in!

Well, that was rather brief, wasn't it? Let's try to make sure it's not that short again!
Also... Have you used the new chatterbox? Leave comments and observations, and chat away with one another. If you would like a full-fledged message board, just let me know!

I think I'm done demanding stuff from my faithful and not-so-faithful readers. Thank you for your time, and I'm looking foward to getting more questions and comments for the mailbag!

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