TDI on Cavuto
Well, lo and behold, Neil Cavuto answered my question! Not only did I see him in person, get his autograph, have my picture taken with him, but now he answered my question online! The full mailbag can be seen at the FOX Means Business section, linked to on the info bar.
Sadly, I discovered this answer at the same time Ace was with me, and she asked how old his daughter was. And I know from Cavuto's Common Sense editorials, she's college-age. She then proceeded to talk about how cool it would be to have Neil Cavuto as a father-in-law.2) I'm a student working to pay for college. I own a debit card instead of a credit card, and I intend to stay as debt-free as possible. When would it be ever necessary to for me to take out a loan? — Charles
You're wise to be so fiscally if I could just hook you up with my spendthrift daughter! Seriously though, while your aversion to debt is admirable, there are times when debt can be of some value. Right now, real estate is a good example. Interest rates are low, and homes, however a hot commodity, remain a good tax and long-term investment. Acquiring debt to buy a home, whose own appreciation is measurable over time, is productive. Going into the red to buy a fancy suit is not. The fact of the matter is that when you buy real estate, you're buying comfort, and for you, and your family someday, security. It shouldn't be regarded as a "get-rich" scheme. But it should be seen as a "get diversified" scheme, one in which prudent debt is acquired for very prudent reasons: building something of value that increases over time.
I got an answer to a financial question. Ace saw a relationship oppertunity. Though, as I remember, I learned of her age when Cavuto was talking about... her boyfriend. Sorry, Ace.
Chuck, how many times have you been published and/or mentioned on Fox News? They'll hire you someday without an interview, just because they'll know so much about you. Of course, being Neil Cavuto's son-in-law won't hurt either... (sorry for the blatant yenta-ism)
Woooow, I wanna b famous like chuck!! lol, where's evie and NL...even JANNA is submitting to the yentist bug!!
Ah yes, Erika, but I am Chuck's sister, and therefore may yenta-ize my brothers all I like. I prefer to let my friends and even relative strangers sort these matters out on their own.
Yes, Chuck is getting famous :-)
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