From the Mouth of Horses...

File Under: Television News
Finally! After signing up for a Lost newsletter months ago (shortly after the May finale), they finally sent out a letter. And basically.... it said nothing. Well, OK, they told us about some changes in the hall of writers, but I don't want to know about that. I want plot details! One thing that they did confirm, and you'll have to highlight this to read, in case you *still* haven't watched the finale, is that Walt WAS kidnapped by the Others. In case you couldn't figure that out on your own!


NPE said...

Could you explain what you are talking about????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Erika said...

he's speaking of his slightly unhealthy obsession with Lost, a TV program about, shockingly enough, a group of people who are lost!!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it was lost.