Aslan! Aslan!

File Under: Casting News
Save us, Aslan! Who will save us from the evil White Witch this Christmas at your local cineplex? Why, Liam Neeson, of course! 'Cause it's a movie coming out that he hasn't been in. Seriously, IMDB list 17 film credits to his name between 2000 and 2007. And it doesn't include The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Neeson actually has more film credits than Kevin Bacon!


Mark said...

Hey, at least he's working. Keeps him out of trouble and all. Personally, I think he'll make a good Aslan. It could've been Urkel or something, you know.

Charles Jurries said...

At least he is a good actor, and he keeps getting all these roles. Now if they could just stop Vin Deisel!