Wanna Blog for $$$?

Want to be a MSNBC blogger? They're hiring people to blog about television, music, technology, sports, and fashion/food/style. It's an estimated 15 hours a week, with no pay listed.

I see job listings for bloggers every now and then... It might be fun to try to submit a eResume someday, for kicks and giggles.

One sidenote... MSNBC apparently, and wisely so, distinguishes between fashion and style. For the two don't always mix! (insert own fashion/pop culture trend rant here)


James w. Lanning said...

just FYI Chuckler, my weblog url is sio.jameswlanning.com (the other one works as well, but this one is cooler!).

Charles Jurries said...

Warning, buster... That comment was slightly off-topic. I don't want to have to ban you for a week, so be careful!

Mark said...

As the unofficial legal counsel of the Delta Institute, I would point out that my client would be well within his rights to ban you.

James w. Lanning said...

unfortunately for your client, he has no means of banning anybody from a blogger weblog. oh, and mark, you're fired as my legal counsel. too bad so sad.

Mark said...

You can't fire me, I never really worked for you in the first place.

Erika said...

I think ALL that stuff was off topic u guys!!

Charles Jurries said...

Off-topic, Erika. You risk me deleting all off-topic comments by ANYBODY for one week. Don't make me play the nuclear option!

'Cause off-topic indicates fun. And by george, this is a no-fun zone!