FOX News Hires Gretchen

FOX News has hired a new anchor. But this time, the new hire comes from an unlikely source... CBS! Her name is Gretchen Carlson, and she is/was a co-host on CBS's "Saturday Early Show". Apparently, she may not be attached to any one show, but with Rita Cosby's slots still open, it's kinda hard to imagine her NOT getting a slot.

In other cable news notes, have you seen any of CNBC's Mad Money? Jim Cramer (or is that with a K?) seems to take a couple cranky pills before the show, and YELLS for about an hour. While standing up, pacing around. He never sits. EVER. And he takes phone calls, and yells at them for owning a certian stock.

Maybe I've just seen the very worst segments flipping through channels. Or maybe there is a reason CNBC is sinking...

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